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Is Pakistan Satisfy from the Candidates of General Election 2018? A Commentary

هیات تجاری اتاق ایران در پاکستان

I Am Pakistan….Mother of eloquent children.

Is Pakistan Satisfy from the Candidates of General Election 2018? A Commentary

It’s been years now from the time I, Pakistan seeking for a man to save me, Allah have gifted me with everything and naturally the beauty lies here within me but the candidate who will be again standing will be just using my assets, and leaving me behind as a trash. This word candidate seems like an honourable and respectable word but seeing the people standing for it are not worthy of me.

From many years I have been trying to survive from the curse of these repeated faces those by changing their words manipulating my children, do you think you deserve Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif as your president and a leader who can be a representative of me in front o the world, No!!!

He can be a leader of few but can be a right representative of me, the ways by which I can benefit my children where I see them wounded, isn’t what I want anymore, he is good sitting behind and taking care of his own assets not using me as an asset by making himself as a person called as saviour, he is nonetheless like a common man played by other people those have no concern for my children.

Mr.Zardari a cunning man in politics who turned the table, I can’t bear him as a candidate as he was born to care for himself so if one doesn’t know how to care then how he can share the care for others.

Mr. Imran Khan who gave a lot to this soul but needs his own life to be settled once and for all. He will be a politician after 5-10years, as from his home crisis he must learn lessons and move on to serve totally my children who are betrayed by others.

Not discussing others, As no one seems to me this much worthy to be discussed, well let me be clear with this I want a candidate who is a true representative of me, making me prominent in the whole world, as I have everything, born leaders, natural beauty of all kinds, rich in minerals, my amazing children and last but not the least I have a spirit to fight back well and I came into being in the name of Allah – The One. I want someone to believe in me, and make me stand in front of all other mothers proudly and with honour, maybe one day Allah will listen to my prayers and I will not see my children getting betrayed, killed, manipulated and slaughtered. A true candidate I am waiting for my whole life after Mr.Mohammad Ali Jinnah, his bold personality and knowledge was admiring due to which I’m still holding on till now.

My children it’s important for you to make these above candidates think what their real life is for and make them stop plying with you.

I Am Pakistan….Mother of eloquent children

by: Noor Zahra Rizvi

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