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Future of Residential Architecture in Pakistan – Smart Residential Architecture

Architecture in Pakistan
Future of Residential Architecture in Pakistan and the world is Smart Residential Architecture. The top features of the smart houses are very high in demand these days.

A smart house is the one that uses internet services to control various features of the houses. As everyone is busy and life is going at a very high pace now. The coming decade will be a smart house decade. The design aspect of such houses is different from the regular ones. These house features give homeowners security, comfort, convenience, and energy efficiency. The owners can control smart devices from anywhere in the world. The user can control multiple things of the house with the help of home automation. In short, the future of residential architecture in Pakistan is Smart Architecture .

Features of Smart House:

The future of residential architecture lies in the use of the internet and technology. Few features of Smart House are as follows;

1.  Smart Television:

Television connected to the internet can help to access the content through applications such as videos and music. Some smart televisions also recognize the voice or gesture of the user. One can even browse the web on the television through the internet. Such televisions like smartphones open up a whole new world of entertainment displayed on a fairly big screen. Children can even play games on television now.

The latest features of smart television enable them to control the other devices of the house like lights, door locks, and other sensors. Check out these Smart TV Features.

2. Smart Lighting:

Smart lighting is the most important and needed feature of the day. It not only adjust the light brightness but also saves electricity. As the light will detect the presence of occupants and will only be turned on when somebody is in the room.

The sensor of the lights can also be adjusted according to the daylight LUX level. For example, the headlights of certain cars automatically get turned on when the daylight LUX level falls below a certain limit. To give your house a unique look check these Seven best smart light systems to transform the mood of your home.

3. Smart Thermostat:

Smart thermostats come with integrated WI-FI, allowing users to schedule, monitor, and remotely control home temperatures. These devices are also linked to human behavior. The temperature of the thermostat gets adjusted automatically according to the owner’s mood. Some smart thermostats even monitor energy usage. Here is a list of the best smart thermostats of 2020.

4. Smart Locks:

Smart locks are another prime feature of a smart house. Such locks also detect the presence of the owner nearby and automatically unlocks the doors. Likewise when the owner car approaches the smart locks automatically open the garage door to let the car in.
Plus the owner can set a private code or password on the house locks. So, in case a burglar tries to break in the smart lock will automatically turn to own the alarm and also notify the homeowner. Here is a list of The Best Smart Locks To Keep Your Home Secure.

5. Automated Pet Feeders:

There are certain pet feeders that are controlled via cell phones. So, when the owners can easily feed their pets even when they are away through smart pet feeders. Check out these7 Smart Pet Feeders to Feed and Monitor your Pet from Anywhere.

6. Smart Security Cameras:

The smart security cameras enable the users to monitor their houses even when they are away on vacations. Such cameras also notify owners in case of suspicious activity around the house. Check out these Best Outdoor Home Security Cameras for 2020.

7. Smart Watering Systems for Plants:

Watering the plants have now become easy with the help of smart technology. The planters and lawn can be timely watered with the help of automated sensors in the house. Now you can water plants in the house by using Wifi Plant Watering Sensor System.

8. Smart Kitchen Appliances:

The smart kitchen appliances are another most popular feature of a smart house. These appliances free up your time in the kitchen. One can even cook like a top chef with smart gadgets. Check out these Smart Kitchen Appliances.

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